
Showing posts from October, 2017

Bread Bowl Beauty

So I see that it's been either cold, raining, or both lately and none of us want to walk our butts to the dinning commons. I see you also probably don't have a bowl for your soup. This is where you need my help in making one amazingly tasting bread bowl. This bread bowl beauty is most likely one of the cheapest things y'all can whip up in the crib. The great thing about it: It tastes so good! Today:  Bread Bowl with Mac n' Cheese Ingredients: Toaster Microwave  Baguette or French bread cheese  Easy Mac or Soup Theres one way to make it with multiple type of fillings. Depending on your mood, you can fill this bread bowl with the soup of your liking or some microwavable mac n' cheese.  Step 1 There'a certain type of bread that I use from Walmart that is $1 French bread. Once you have this, just cut the bread about 3-4 inches from the base Step 2 hollow out the bread and line the inside with cheese (I don't have a preferred cheese so I rec...

Matt's Special Hot Coco

Hey y'all, seeing as the winter months are coming up soon, today we're gonna show you something quick and easy to fix before class in the mornings. We'll go over how to make it from buying your own ingredients and from snagging some from the dining commons. Today: Finessed Hot Chocolate Ingredients: Hot Chocolate Mix (any kind) Whipped Cream Marshmallows (mini or regular sized) Cinnamon Chocolate Syrup Milk (or water) OPTIONAL: Frother Regular way Step 1: Heat up milk in the microwave. 3 minutes is optimal, but seeing as you're already hot stuff, heat it up to your liking. Step 2: Add mix to milk, and, if you have one, use brother. This helps mix it better as well as make it creamier. Step 3: Microwave the marshmallows separately from the milk on a plate until fluffy, if using regular 2 should do it. If you are using mini, however many fill up the cup should work. Put them in for about 30 seconds. Place on top of hot chocolate afterwards with a spoon...

Cold Brew Coffee Milkshakes

Alright boys and girls, today we're going to finesse our first item: Cold Brew Coffee Milkshakes. This one may not be the cheapest on this list, but fasten your seatbelt, because we're about to board the flavor train. First, the ingredients and supplies neccesary: Ice cream Coffee (Preferably Cold Brew) Blender Spoon Cups (For however many you are serving) French Press Now lets make those shakes. Coffee : Any cold coffee will do, don't use hot unless you like to live life on the edge. We here at Midnight Munchies prefer Cold Brew coffee. You can either make your own cold brew or buy it from the Breezeway Grill (Located in the fridge closest to the grills). In order to make your own, buy any type of pre-ground coffee, an espresso such as Cafe Bustelo is nice for an extra caffeine buzz. Next, you need some way of soaking the coffee in water and straining it. The easiest way of doing this, especially when making enough for only one or two people is with a French...

Not Just Food It's Finesse

Welcome to Midnight Munchies! Do you not have time to eat at the dinning commons? Do you not have money? Are you a starving college student? Food is something that we all love. The problem is that it can be very expensive whether we are buying groceries or eating out at a restaurant. My problem is that I love food so much that I spend most of my paycheck on it. By the time college rolls around, I have insufficient funds to treat myself. This is okay though because during my senior year of high school, I learned how to finesse cheap food to make it taste and look better. Although I am 5 weeks into college now, I have found that my past pizzazz has helped me to not starve through the semester.              If you’re a college student and want to make cheap good-looking food that makes people say, “wow what Starbucks did you get that from?”, then this site is for you. I’m here to show you how to finesse your way through college on a non-...